Monday, June 20, 2005


Before my son stops throwing them and his food on the floor. I was shamed to find out he'd broken one of my nephew's plates today when he threw it on the tile floor before my sister had a second to react. He does this to let you know he's done with his food. However. He has been disciplined EVERY time for it. Tonight, at dinner, I left him in his highchair for a minute. Before I left the room I told him if he was done, to leave his food on his tray. Pre-emptive, right? WRONG! Usually it works. Right now, I'm on the computer and he's in his crib, and there is a plate in 10 pieces on my kitchen floor waiting for when I'm not so angry that I will throw it at the wall.



Ah, HELL, it was just a fucking plate.

Gotta go clean it up.


At 10:13 AM , Blogger Jodi said...

Buy some of those cute kids PLASTIC plates with the characters on them. Maybe that will help him keep it on his plate.

Me, I would take his plate away altogether and just serve his food on the table until he learns that plates do not get thrown on the floor.

At 3:58 PM , Blogger Kelley said...

Jodi that's what he broke at my house! Tile and plastic don't mix that well.

At 4:03 PM , Blogger Kristi said...

that's right, he usually gets plastic, but I didn't have one clean for dinner last night, and right after this happened, I told him he wasn't getting a plate again for a long time!!!!


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