Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Welcome to the world, little angel

My close girlfriend had a baby girl yesterday morning, and I just got back from visiting her (them). She is sooo beautiful. Both are happy and healthy, which is great considering her last one had to be in an incubator and had problems with his lungs. We got to have a nice long visit, no one else came while I was there. I'm so glad to have friends like that, that can talk about the ins and outs of a c-section without hesitation, and breastfeed in front of you. Little T was a little antsy, don't blame him, I made him stay in his stroller so I didn't have to chase him, but all in all he was pretty good. And I took him to the Zoo on the way home as a treat. We got to see the giraffes up and personal, and he thought the black bear was really cool.


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