Tuesday, July 05, 2005

My son and his antics

SOOOOOO the monster has been at it again. Friday afternoon mom, dad and I were watching tv and DH was playing on the computer, I think I hear a noise from the other end of the house. That CAN'T be, as T is in his playpen sleeping. We brush it off. Mom goes to check the laundry, and the door to the room T is sleeping in is rattling. I open the door, and there he is, standing before me, "hi momma". HE WASN'T IN THE PLAYPEN. I ask how he got out. DH puts him back in, and says show us what you did. He goes to the corner of the playpen, puts one hand on either edge of the playpen, puts a foot up on the side, and remniscent of a gymnast, vaults himself over the edge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh he will give me a heartattack before he's two.

THEN on saturday, shortly after my parents left, he ran off, and went into my parent's den. My mom has a dollhouse in there, which he knows he's not allowed to touch. There is also a miniature skateboard (barbie size) that my dad lets him *stand on* (no dad, not a good idea . . . anyway). I see him crouching down, rice picker style, and I hear a crunch. "T WHAT DID YOU DO?!!!!! GET UP, WHAT DID YOU DO????" He gives me a funny look, stands up, and I see a squashed dollhouse chair. The child was trying to sit on a chair not even Barbie would fit in. I gave him H E double hockey sticks, he had a little time on the "naughty spot" and two days later, everytime I thought about it I laughed. I bought glue, and the chair now looks okay, and thank goodness Nana laughed.


At 8:12 PM , Blogger Kelley said...

He, he! Good boy TJ. Auntie would have loved to see you sit on the little chair!


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