Tuesday, June 28, 2005

4 down, 5 to go . . . Yay me!

I spent almost all of Sunday cleaning. Not normal cleaning, spring cleaning (yes, I know it's summer). I took advantage of our day at home and instead of spending family time, did some stuff that I can't do without someone watching T. I washed 4 of our 9 miniblinds. Yech. What a job that was. And I washed our drapes, and T's drapes, cleaned the windows. And cleaned the tubs. And made DH vacuum the bed. I also dusted the walls in our room. Yes, the WALLS. This is how much dust accumulates in our townhouse. I've never had a home before that I've had to dust the walls. Or maybe it's just the marrooon/red of the walls that shows the dust more. Anyhew, my body hurts, and it was a little hard on my asthma, but man does it feel good to have that done. EXCEPT that I still have 5 miniblinds to go . . . and a shitload of other cleaning to do. But it still feels good.

And today I fixed DH shorts, I've done 3 loads of laundry, and fixed a shirt of mine. . . I feel like I'm on a little roll.

And I actually took the time to chat with a friend yesterday. It was really nice to have some face to face adult conversation other than my sis (which is nice to talk to, but variety is good too), who I haven't seen much lately. Thanks A.

Now gotta go start dinner.


At 7:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are the second blogger today that has blogged about spring cleaning in the summer. if i haven't done my spring cleaning by the end of may, i wait until the fall to do my fall cleaning;)


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