Thursday, February 09, 2006

Desperate times call for desperate measures

I swore I would never be one of "those" moms who let their children watch a lot of tv. I believe in fostering a child's imagination and learning, in playing outside, in getting down on the floor with your kids, and never saying no to reading a story. See, prior to being a stay at home mom, I was a Child Protection, and Children and Families Services Social Worker. Yes, I was. And before I got my BSW degree, I ran an Out-of-School-Care for four years, with a year of training for it. And before that, I was doing a Psychology degree. Yup, I have probably more training and schooling on the psyche of children, their development, and their needs than most people even know exists.

Yet for the last 3 months (or so) I have let my 2 1/2 year old son watch more tv than I ever watched in my entire childhood. YES I DID. See, as my good friend H tells me, it is a game of Survivor when you have a 2 yr old boy, and suffer from morning sickness. She knows, her boy is a year older than mine, and her baby will be exactly a year older than our new one. And her morning sickness was on par with mine. She told me, shortly into this ms experience that as long as everyone was alive at the end of the day, I had done a good job. I wholeheartedly believe her. You can only do so much when the room is spinning, and the smell of your child's breakfast makes you run. The only position I usually feel okay in, is lying on my side. My poor child now asks daily "Mommy okay?", or "Mommy feel better?". I feel so guilty for the amount of time I have not spent doing the things I take pride in as a good mom. And I am very thankful for the copiously ridiculous amount of toys my child has. And I am thankful for 24 hour a day Treehouse television. YES I AM. Seriously, I can reverse this bad habit, can't I???

Of course, not just yet, because, see I was a little premature saying I was feeling better. I knew Murphy's Law would hit as soon as I told someone I felt kind of okay. I was going to go get my nephew's birthday present today. No sooner had I gotten off the phone with my sister after verifying sizes, than I was all of a sudden running for the bathroom to loose my breakfast. And the yucky pukey feeling has lasted all day long. Sorry Kel, Kaiser may not be getting any Old Navy clothing after all. We'll see how tomorrow goes. Oh, and as I was laying down resting while T was napping, DH calls to say he's gonna be late. Great timing hon. I know, it's not his fault, but I almost strangled him through the phone.

Ahhh, the 2 yr old monster is awaking . . .


At 8:34 PM , Blogger Kelley said...

Don't worry about the present. I am giving him an IOU!

At 2:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, you're back!!!
some days, you just do what you have to, we all have, at one time or another. hope the morning sickness passes soon.


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