Wednesday, July 13, 2005

My day off

was wonderful, but I felt like I was waiting for something. I got a chance work on my quilt, exercise, eat lunch by myself, do laundry, clean the bathroom and the bedrooms, and dye my hair. (My hair doesn't even really look different, what a waste of time) While driving over to sis's to pick up DS, I realized what I felt like I was waiting for was DS to wake up from his nap. I had the feeling all day like I was on borrowed time, and that any minute my solitude was going to be interrupted. It was weird, but after five months of only having his naptime to get things accomplished, I guess that's only natural. I could use a couple more days like that to get my house organzied! I'm sure we all could. You know, one of the nicest parts of the day (besides being fed dinner when I got to sis's) was going pee BY MYSELF any time I wanted. I think that's something as a mom you rarely get to do, yet grately appreciate.

Oh, and DH's boss is trying to placate him (and me) by telling him that when this job is finally done, he can take a month off. I'm not holding my breath. I'll believe it when I see it. I bet you the time comes and they'll say he can have a week, but then they need him to start another job. Man, the stuff I could get him to do in a month!!!! It would be nice to have some family time, that's for sure.


At 3:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

my are finally old enough i do have some free time, but i've gone and volunteered with some many organizations, that i now have less free time than before! but that's changing, i'm stepping back from some of the things i am doing. i need to learn how to quilt, didn't think anybody did that anymore.


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