Monday, April 14, 2008

total nerd

or so that's what my hubby called me tonight. LOL. Making more friends, in a nerdy way I suppose. T's preschool went to Fort Langley today as a field trip, and the teachers split us into groups, and I have to say, I was really happy with my little group. It was most of the kids T plays with in and outside of class, so moms I was really familiar with, including one of the moms I scrap with (M). And one of the other moms, who I really like, S, she asked if M and I wanted to join her book club. M's first response was "so is this a 'lets drink wine and eat food and chat' book club, or is it a down to business book club?" We all laughed, and S said it was definitely both. They either meet at someone's home, a coffee shop, or one time at a martini bar. Now that's the kind of book club I want to join. In all seriousness, I've always kind of thought I'd like to join a book club to introduce me to books I might not think to read otherwise. And I love reading, so not a problem! My only problem will be the month it's my turn to pick the book!!! Mrs. Indecisive! OIY. It will be a problem. But otherwise fun! Oh, and M, S, and I are enrolling all three of our kids in some summer daycamps together. Otherwise I think T will get bored!

I'm looking forward to being a nerd, with nerdy friends!

Friday, April 11, 2008


For those of you who still occassionally check to see if I'm alive . . . I'm actually here!

Fuzzy, oh so fuzzy. That's how my brain feels after two more weeks on prednisone. Yep, two more weeks. Two weeks on, two weeks off, now two on again, and counting. I rebounded REALLY badly when I came off, and got sicker than I have been in a long time. So this time, I was on the higher dose almost the first whole week, and now, I'm on a maintenance dose for at least another week or two. My docs are hoping it will kick my symptoms into remission for a while. So am I, cause god, if I get sick like I did again, I don't know what I'd do with myself.

However, right now I feel like a mental patient. Okay, not as bad as when I'm sick, LOL, but one of my side effects is tremors in my hands, I can't control them sometimes. Particularly when I'm trying to write or do something. And the fatigue is creeping back in, the prednisone hasn't completely taken care of that this time, but it also makes be creepy awake. So my eyes pop open when I try to rest. Weird combination to say the least. I feel all kinds of space cadet-ish sometimes. Not that I wasn't before, LOL, it's just worse now!

Don't get me wrong, I am thankful for the amount of energy I have right now. I actually had no idea how fatigued I was until I wasn't. I realize now how little I was coping. I know prednisone is not a drug you want to be on for long periods, but it's giving me my life back right now. I wasn't able to do anything with my kids or around my house, and now I can. I felt for the most part that I was walking with lead weights on through water. That is what fatigue feels like for me on a daily basis. Plus all the pain I was dealing with, the arthritis in my back and the 21 canker sores right before I went back on the prednisone this last time. And I was barely making it through. Now I can. So I'll take that for now. Besides, the alternatives are even stronger immune suppressants, so we'll deal with this for now.


In completely other ramblings, I have also made some new friends, and that makes me extremely happy. Not a surprise to those that know me in real life, I am almost too social by nature, and being holed up with my disease and not many social outlets was hard for me. Being so far away from my sister and the little group of stay at home moms where we used to live, and having our friends out here flung far and wide, and so busy themselves left me very little interaction with other adults.

So anyway, I found out that a couple other moms from my son's preschool scrapbook, and we decided spur of the moment to go to one of the local stores on a friday night together. It was a lot of fun, and we've been back a total of 4 times, different combos of moms, whoever is available. And we're planning many more! There is 4 of us total, and I (believe in my own little world anyway) that I get along really nicely with all of them!!!! And one of the moms organized a little field trip to a great speaker, in a couple of weeks, we're going out for dinner, then to the speaker (on parenting). It's so nice to have other moms to talk to and get together with away from the kids! And for our kids to be in the same stages of development and problems, so you have someone to rebound stuff off of. And not the least of it, I'm actually scrapbooking on a regular basis now, which I wasn't before, so I'm actually getting stuff done. I'm so absolutely the slowest scrapper on the face of the earth, but that's okay. I'm having fun, and I'm actually getting my albums done!