Life just keeps on going
It's been over six months since I've been here. Wow. That's what having a baby who doesn't sleep much does to you. New priorities. Now the little man doesn't nap anymore, so I don't have much time on the computer.
As little as she was sleeping, my baby girl has brought so much more love to our family. T smooches her and calls her his and wants to be with her all the time. K just adores him. She's 9 months old now, crawling, climbing stairs, walking around the furniture, pulling to standing at EVERYTHING. Someone hit fastforward when I wasn't looking. And happy, man is that baby happy - unless she's sick, which she is right now.
And speaking of sick. My health always has it's ups and downs, and I try to take it in stride. My body doesn't seem to want to go back to normal, I've felt run down for ages now. Keep going to the doctor with different symptoms. Recently, he started to hypothesize that I have a connective tissue disorder. In the last couple of weeks, he thinks he may have narrowed it down, and that it may actually be an autoimmune disease.
Yesterday when I went in to see him about a canker sore that has gotten so deep my jaw bone is exposed (yes, you read that right) he came to the conclusion that he thinks it's either Behcet's Disease, or Lupus. I'd put the links in, but I don't know how. And right now I couldn't be bothered.
I'm incredibly overwhelmed. Tired. In disbelief. I didn't sleep last night, and I'm barely functioning right now. Trying to read what I can about both without getting too upset. DH doesn't understand. He's of the mindset that you don't worry about it till you get a diagnoses. Too him there's no point in worrying right now. I can't even explain how his brain works. Then again, it's not like he had time to research or read anything about either one, so I don't think he knows how serious either one are. It's not like I want this to keep taking up space in my head. I can't help it.
K, My heart goes out to you. I'll see what I can find out as well for you.
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. (((((HUGS)))))
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